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G. H. 80 Series

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GH 60 is widely applied to kinds of machinery and photoelectric light industry control industry. Multiple output signals are available, resolution up to 6000ppr,others on request. Optoelectronic devices with high reliability, long life, strong anti-interference ability, wide range of operating temperature.


Products using through-hole design, diameter between 6mm-10mm.

Technical Specifications

Output wave Square Wave
Output Signals Push pull (A,B,Z), Line Driver Output (A,-A, B,-B,Z,-Z Phase)
Current Consumptions ≤ 180mA
Response Frequency 0-120 KHz
Output Phase Difference 90˚ ± 45˚
Supply Voltage 5 VDC, 5-12 VVDC, 12-24 VDC,10-30VDC
Signal Level Vm≥ 85% Vcc, Vi≤ 0.3 V
No of pulses 100, 300,500,512, 600,1000, 1024, 2000, 2500,3000,4096,10800 (Other number of pulses available on request)
Output circuit Open collector NPN, pull-push, Line driver, voltage.
Speed  without sealing 4000 rmp.
Starting torque without sealing ≤ 5.0x, 10-3  N-m (+25˚C)
Maximum load permitted on shaft Radial 20 N, Axial 10 N
Shock resistance 980m/s2,6ms,2times each on XYZ
Vibration proof 50m/s2, 10-200 Hz, Two Hour each on XYZ
Working Life MTBF≥50000h (+25C,2000rpm)
Weight App. 370 gm(15 pin rectangle plug radial)
Working Humidity 30-85%(No Condensation)
Storage Temperature -30C- 85°C
Working Temperature -10C-70°C
Protection Glass IP50

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